K1000 - Organization LDA¨P Filter failing [SOLVED]
Hi All,
We are currenlty working on a K1000 9.1.317 system which we obviously use for software management.
I've inherited the system from a predecessor and I found it was time to cleanup a bit as pc's are not organized at all.
Since we are working on 2 continents, and our MS AD is set to have multiple branches depending on the office I found the LDAP filters interesting to use.
Basically we have
--> OU=Office 1
----> OU=users
----> OU=Workstation
-> OU=Office 2
----> OU=users
----> OU=Workstation
My intend is to have 2 filters based on the computers in Office 1 and Office2.
As filter I've been using "(objectclass=computer)"/"(CN=KBOX_COMPUTER_NAME)" "just blank as the ou gets all pc's"
The LDAP browser seems to work fine using the created Search Base DN
But the filter applied is alwas failing.
ANy thoughts how and why?
Answers (1)
Top Answer
you need to query objectcategory vs objectclass. object class is a multi-string array
Well that does seem to do the trick using it like (objectClass=computer) but as you can see in the screenshot it didn't work before.
I did a reboot of the k1000 and now seems to work out of the box....
funky ;-)
Thanks for the answer @SMal.tmcc - anonymous_148785 5 years ago
The thing is (and perhaps there is my flaw) is that the K1000 agent is installed during K2000 scripted installation but device always seem to get in the default organization.
But in that same K2000 deployment I'm adding the workstation to the domain, and move it to the just OU.
My idea was to assign a ldap filter to an organization and since the workstation was in the just ou, the filter would work automatically.
I don't even need a special filter of somekind, just get all the pc/workstations matchin in a OU.
Kristof - anonymous_148785 5 years ago