K1000: SQL variables
I was trying to do exactly the same as bostonbound in http://www.itninja.com/question/mysql-user-defined-variables, using variables in a kace´s report. But it gives errors (just in Kace, not in MySQL).
so im just looking for confirmation, is it still not possible to use variables in Kace??
SET @DataInicial = '2014-12-10';
SET @DataFinal = '2014-12-13';
select U.FULL_NAME AS ATENDENTE, HD_QUEUE.NAME AS FILA, @DataInicial as DataInicial,@DataFinal as DataFinal
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In my personal opinion the usage of the SET statement is not supported and will not work. - StockTrader 10 years ago
yes, it doesnt work for sure. i have desisted of the variables.thanks anyway!! - Paloma 10 years ago
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