
K2000 Post Installation Task Testing on a Fusion VM

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Hey fellow techs--

I have been trying to create a virtual machine snapshot so I can easily test my postinstall tasks and am having some trouble.  I added a "pause" batch script right before the scripted install exits the boot environment and took the snapshot, but whenever I return to that snapshot, the virtual machine just blue screens.  

I also tried adding the pause at the beginning of the scripted install (still in the boot environment) and taking the snapshot there, but when I do that the machine returns an error. It says it can't find a file it needs.

I'm currently doing trying this procedure out so I can give you guys a more specific error.


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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
This link describes how to pause and snapshot a VM. http://www.itninja.com/question/k2000-post-installation-task-testing-on-virtual-boxes
Posted by: SMal.tmcc 12 years ago
Red Belt

To properly test your post installs you would want the k2000 to create its script and place it on the target machine.  It sounds like you are taking your snapshot before the unattended.xml runs and finishes and this is what is most likely causing your blue screen.

  • I have not tested on Fusion, but I have used this method on PCs and it works fine.

    http://www.itninja.com/question/k2000-post-installation-task-testing-on-virtual-boxes - dugullett 12 years ago

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