K2000 Post Installs are not running, Deployment successful.
I've been banging my head against the wall on this one for a while and cant seem to find a solution.
This happens regardless of the unattend file and as well with old and new images. I have successfully had the post install tasks run prior to this but now it will not work at all, and I am having trouble finding the logs regarding deployments to troubleshoot what is going on.
What could be preventing post install tasks from running and what is Setup Post installation task flashing in CMD?
When I go to deploy a new sysprep'd image, all preinstall and midinstall tasks run, I clear the hard drive and format then apply the image, but after that it goes to "Setup Post Install Tasks" Flashes cmd.exe super fast, then skips all the post install tasks I have selected, then pops up with deployment successful. Then upon windows boot up nothing is installed, it skips my unattend file and disables local admin.
This happens regardless of the unattend file and as well with old and new images. I have successfully had the post install tasks run prior to this but now it will not work at all, and I am having trouble finding the logs regarding deployments to troubleshoot what is going on.
What could be preventing post install tasks from running and what is Setup Post installation task flashing in CMD?
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I have checked to see if %Systemdrive%\Windows\setup\Scripts was there, but removed it when I sysprep and format the disk. - GJRebel 8 years ago
Answers (1)
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Posted by:
8 years ago
It sounds like the image files are not getting put onto the drive it is looking for. If you boot back into kace and from the main menu do recovery, go the windows OS drive and look around, see if the image properly deployed to the drive.
I checked to see if the image deployed, and it looks like some folders that were only on the image that I was deploying were placed on the drive specified. But also there are some KACE folders and files that are still on the image, I am also unable to log in as administrator account is disabled when I boot into windows after. - GJRebel 8 years ago
Also on top of that, there are other user profiles from the image being applied on the disk. - GJRebel 8 years ago
the machine you sysprep'd and captured from. If you boot that one after you sysprep does it come out of sysprep ok?
Can you post your deployment.
Have you updated the kbox to a newer version? - SMal.tmcc 8 years ago
the kace dir is the working directory after sysprep. it should contain a engine and all the post applications you have under kace\applications along with a bunch of other working files. - SMal.tmcc 8 years ago
Alright, its on a VM, seems like something is wrong with my unattend file [specialize], but even if I deploy without one it still skips the tasks, and KACE is on 3.7.120345, and it seems to boot just fine on the VM after sysprepping with out the unattend file (Working on fixing that now while I wait) - GJRebel 8 years ago
if you go to this question look at my answer I have one of my answer files there
http://www.itninja.com/question/setting-default-app-assocations-via-post-install-task - SMal.tmcc 8 years ago