K2000 Slow Capture
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Hello all,
As the title suggests, I am having an issue where I am getting maybe a 9-10gb Sysprepped WIM image to capture to the K2000 but it's taking an EXCRUCIATING amount of time. The time it takes to capture the image is 5+ hours. One time taking a whopping 9 hours. I don't remember it ever taking this much time. It's frustrating when you want to fire up the image once a month or 2 to update it then send it back to the unit.
When I deploy an image to a laptop, it takes maybe 6 minutes to deploy the WIM to an SSD hard drive. So once I get the image captured (I have to let it sit over night) I have no problems and have a full desktop ready in maybe 20 minutes total that includes all post install tasks before my K1000 takes over. It's only on the capture side that it's painful.
Any idea what might be causing this? I have tried to capture from a physical machine and from a virtual (Virtualbox). They both take the same amount of time. Some things I tried:
- Set the Ethernet to 1000 Full Duplex
- All current with updates for K2000 unit
- Capture from Physical/Virtual Machines (no difference)
- Replaced the desktop switch I use to connect to the network (also Gig and no problems throwing data onto other servers quickly)
- Removed the desktop switch and direct on the network
- Ping times are <1ms
Any suggestions would be great!
Thank you in advance!
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I ran another, from an SSD last night, got 5.5 hours to capture. To deploy, about 15 minutes. - spinuzer 6 years ago