
K2000 Slow Capture

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Hello all,

As the title suggests, I am having an issue where I am getting maybe a 9-10gb Sysprepped WIM image to capture to the K2000 but it's taking an EXCRUCIATING amount of time.  The time it takes to capture the image is 5+ hours.  One time taking a whopping 9 hours. I don't remember it ever taking this much time.  It's frustrating when you want to fire up the image once a month or 2 to update it then send it back to the unit.

When I deploy an image to a laptop, it takes maybe 6 minutes to deploy the WIM to an SSD hard drive.  So once I get the image captured (I have to let it sit over night) I have no problems and have a full desktop ready in maybe 20 minutes total that includes all post install tasks before my K1000 takes over.  It's only on the capture side that it's painful.

Any idea what might be causing this?  I have tried to capture from a physical machine and from a virtual (Virtualbox).  They both take the same amount of time.  Some things I tried:

  • Set the Ethernet to 1000 Full Duplex
  • All current with updates for K2000 unit
  • Capture from Physical/Virtual Machines (no difference)
  • Replaced the desktop switch I use to connect to the network (also Gig and no problems throwing data onto other servers quickly)
  • Removed the desktop switch and direct on the network
  • Ping times are <1ms
Any suggestions would be great!

Thank you in advance!

11 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Need more info - What operating system? How are you sysprepping? etc. - Keltonfoss 6 years ago
  • Windows 7 64bit. I am using the sysprep creator/executor that Quest provides. I don't know what else etc. wise that you would need.

    I ran another, from an SSD last night, got 5.5 hours to capture. To deploy, about 15 minutes. - spinuzer 6 years ago
    • I only ask as my image captures on windows 10 64 bit images can take 3-4 hours at times. My win7 x64s were generally only 3-4GB - they took about an hour to capture. You dont have a firewall or anything between those systems attempting to sniff packets do you? - Keltonfoss 6 years ago
  • I just thought about this - Are you using PXE still on 5.1 or have you upgraded and started using iPXE? iPXE seems to be hand over foot quicker than pxe.. - Keltonfoss 6 years ago
  • Good question... how would I find that out? I'd say probably using regular PXE but I don't know where to look. Would that be a client side thing or the K2000 appliance? - spinuzer 6 years ago
    • under your SDA webgui go to settings - appliance maintenence - and under appliance updates it will state the current version. Keep in mind - if you are on an older version and not using iPXE you will need to change DHCP settings if you are using a dhcp server not provided by the appliance. option 67 will need to be changed to undionly.kpxe - Keltonfoss 6 years ago
  • 5.1.84 is my version and that its up to date. I am still using K2000.0 but I will change to undionly.kpxe and see if that helps. - spinuzer 6 years ago
  • Just tried it and got a page_fault_in_nonpaged_area BSOD with stop code 0x00000050 - trying to capture off a Virtualbox VM - spinuzer 6 years ago
    • Make sure you update the appliance to v6. Also - your going to want to use the win10 kbe kit. - Keltonfoss 6 years ago
  • Ill have to look as to why it's stuck on 5.1.84 and not showing updates available. Thanks! I will give these things a try! - spinuzer 6 years ago
  • downloading the manual update now and working on the other things. Thanks so far with your assistance and willingness to help. - spinuzer 6 years ago
    • No problem! I was talking w/ kace support the other day and apparently the automatic update system only works for certain versions of appliances as they do a staggered update. Let me know if these dont fix your issue - although i have a feeling things will be a lot quicker for you once this stuff gets updated. - Keltonfoss 6 years ago
  • I have everything upgraded but I ran into a snag. The new iPXE boot process will not boot my VM in Virtualbox. I can only boot it with 1 core enabled. Any ideas on that? I did a lot of searching but haven't found much. Otherwise I will have to dedicate a machine to imaging rather than VM. Thanks for any insight you may have. I am going to keep trying different configurations. - spinuzer 6 years ago
  • I was able to FINALLY get the Win10PE environment onto the appliance and boot to it. It seem the KBE Manipulatior doesn't work, I had to use the Media Manager to get a KBE to work. I am starting a capture to see how long it takes with all these updates. - spinuzer 6 years ago
  • Ok after much retraining myself on how to rebuild KBEs, Setting up the Windows 10 PE etc. I finally imaged a machine and it took 51 minutes! Thanks so much for your help in this! Oh and the PE10 solved the virtualbox crashing issue too! Thank you again, this will make my work a lot simpler and easier to do. - spinuzer 6 years ago

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