
Kace Deployment - Script Error when capturing image

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I sysprepped an image, and made sure there is more then enough space on the drive but I keep getting this error when trying to capture an image can someone help me?

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Can you include the logs? - cserrins 6 years ago
  • I would have but nothing comes up. That screenshot is all I get from Kace for troubleshooting. - dwiddifield 6 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: Channeler 6 years ago
Red Belt
Hello.... interesting,

I would not recommend checking the Include debug output, it will slow down the capture process...

By any chance, was that KBE created with the ADK 1809?, if you you may want to uninstall both 1809 components and  try with a KBE built with ADK 1803:

  • I’ll try it and let you know, any other suggestions? - dwiddifield 6 years ago
    • Yeah, maybe try to build that KBE on a Vanilla Windows device or VM... I have seen AVs and GPO policies disrupting the KBE creation process, again make sure the ADK 1803 is installed not the 1809:


      https://www.systemcenterdudes.com/windows-10-adk-version-history/ - Channeler 6 years ago
  • Thanks so much, I recreated that with Windows 10 1803, and it worked. I'll post if anything comes up. - dwiddifield 6 years ago

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