Kace K1000 client display "Installed Programs (0)" and "Patch Management has not been enabled for this device."
I have some clients that display "Installed Programs (0)" but have in reality many software installed. On the client the programs are listed in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall.
I launched several inventory from the server to the client and it works, the client appear active in the Appliance interface but the installed programs list stay empty and I cannot deploy patches on these clients because they display "Patch Management has not been enabled for this device.". My clients are listed in the smart label who contains the devices where I want to deploy patches.
There is probably a communication problem between K1000 Appliance and these clients but I don't know where... My Appliance is in 6.2.109330 version and my clients in 6.2.1025.
Has anyone encountered this problem?
Answers (6)
If I look at the logs on the client or on the server I don't feel that there is a problem but the programs list still is empty and the client seems to be not registered for the patch.
I think the problem is on the client because I have many clients that don't have problem to communicate with the server. But I uninstall almost all the program on a client that have problem, repair WMI, disable Firewall, disable UAC, uninstall and reinstall Kace agent but the problem persists...
I despair... can someone give me a tips ?
I'd suggest the following troubleshooting / checks on the client:
1-Which OS the target machine is running?
2-Run CMD.EXE with Admin privileges and issue the following commands:
CD "C:\program files\dell\kace"
KInventory -machine -out .\rawdata.xml and then examine with a text editor the resulting XML file: are you able to find the installed software under the Software node?
If not try to enhance the debug level of the agent logs running the following command:
amptools.exe debug=true
Then force another inventory using runkbot 4 0 and then have a look to the logs under %programdata%\dell\kace\user
if still you do not spot a possible problem (maybe an antivirus too much aggressive..) please open a support case providing all the client logs.
Kind regards,
Marco - StockTrader - StockTrader 9 years ago