
KScript won't delete Registry Keys

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I have a simple Online KScript configured to delete some registry keys.

The script runs and succeeds. The log file reports that the deleting of the registry keys succeeded.

However when I look in the registry, they still exist, even after a reboot.

The "Delete Registry Key" commands are part of the "On Success" step in Task 1.  There are no entries in the "Verify" step.

Any ideas on how to get this script to really delete the registry entries would be much appreciated.

The Kace appliance is old and is running v6.4

 - Dave

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: SMal.tmcc 5 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer

the client is 32 bit so it is most likely doing the delete in the WOW6432node area vs the 64bit area "software".

are you using HKLM or HKLM64 at the beginning of the key name?

try hklm64 if that does not work let us know for the older kbox versions there are work around methods to do what you need.

  • Thanks SMal.tmcc, that worked! The keys on my 64bit client are now successfully deleted from the registry.

    If you're ever in Ireland, I'll buy you a pint! - davidoconnell 5 years ago
    • come to UserKon this fall and I will buy you a Pint! - SMal.tmcc 5 years ago
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