License discovery - how to?
Hi guys, a simple question. Is it possible for K1000 to somehow "automatically" discover liceneses for MS Windows, Office or other programs and put them into asset management?
Or the logic is that K1000 discovers software programs and we have to manually create license asset for each application and put it in a license key, mode, count, etc... ?
I do it manually but would like to know if there is a way to do it automatically - glennvelsol 10 years ago
Answers (2)
There is no way to generate it automatically. I would imagine to do that it would have to interface with VLSC Site etc to grab your info.
You need to go into Assets and define your licenses. Put in how many you are licensed for. Then the K1000 will show you how many are installed vs how many you are licenced for. It will also show any Variance.
Here is an answer I posted before to elaborate the steps involved.
When you go into your K1000 appliance do the following.
- Go to Assets Module
- In choose Action drop down > Add New > License
- Fill out your license information you want in the resulting screen filling in at least the "License count" ie how many you own, Select from the catalog the software and the "License mode" to be a "Unit license".
- This will then allow you to go back to the Assets Module and view installed vs license count. You can then plan accordingly. Example below.