Managed software installation partial failure
We have a satalite office in Santiago that I wanted to apply the latest DST hotfix from Microsoft (.msu). I went through the process of installing it on my PC and then forcing the inventory. So I created the managed install package and deployed it to the remote site. The majority of the systems failed and I don't know why? Only 5 of 56 computers got the patch. I can't find anything on the client's event viewer or server logs that would explain the high rate of failure. Any ideas?
Answers (3)
Have you enabled debug on the agent and re-run the managed install on a system that fails? You can look in the kdeploy log to see why it's failing.
What are the prerequisites for the hotfix? Does it require a restart or browsers to be closed? It's possible that it's failing for a reason external to the Kbox such as the computer itself needs a restart before the patch can be applied.
Since it was installed on 5 systems, I don't think it's your managed install, but you might check it against this: