
Managing MAC OS with Dell Kace

Good Morning,

I am new to Dell Kace and we are now setup and successfully deploying and managing both Windows and MAC from the K1000 and K2000.  

As we know, Windows is very easy to manage because we have Group Policy in AD.  MAC on he other hand can be joined to AD but do not receive GPO's.  

I am seeking input from others on how they manage MAC systems from Kace.

How do you utilize Kace to manipulate settings (like remote management settings, share settings, wireless profiles, among many others)?
Do you still use another MAC management system such as Casper?

Any help appreciated.

Thank You

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Answers (2)

Posted by: chucksteel 8 years ago
Red Belt
The latest version of KACE also supports profiles for managing MacOS. The K1000 includes templates for some basic profiles but also has the ability to upload custom profiles for deployment. It is using the scripting engine in the background so you could perform the same actions by setting up scripts if you preferred. I generally create profiles using Tim Sutton's MCXtoProfile script: https://github.com/timsutton/mcxToProfile

We are currently still using Workgroup Manager to manage some settings but are moving to profiles. Note that there is a bug with the current implementation in the K1000 that it won't support profiles that are very large. This is supposed to be getting resolved in the next release.

  • Specifically, it won't currently handle a profile over 64KB. - jknox 8 years ago
    • Thanks, couldn't remember the number. - chucksteel 8 years ago
Posted by: StockTrader 8 years ago
Red Belt

in terms of management you can do a lot with scripting.
Kace has a powerful scripting engine and you can deploy scripts on your device.
There are some wizards that help you to create script to manage the firewall, parental control, vnc settings and the, power management and other.
Have a look under Scripting -> Configuration policies and security policies.
 Kind regards,
 Marco - StockTrader

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