
Microsoft SQL ODBC Problem.

Hi all!
I got following problem: I need to create unattended package for Unicenter ServiceDesk Reporting. Problem is I need to create ODBC connection for Microsoft SQL (I dont work with databases, so maybe there is some other problem).

I need to specify Name, SQL server, SQL Server authentication etc... Dont U have any URL link, where R some informations about this problem? :(

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Answers (2)

Posted by: MSIMaker 20 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt
Try this.

Install the app and reboot.

Now you should know the ODBC connection that you want to create so start a capture with Wise or Wininstall or whatever you use to capture with.

Create the ODBC connection and stop the capture.

You will have some registry entries and also captured changes to ODBC.INI and possibly ODBCINST.INI

You can turf all of the reg keys except the HKLM\Software\ODBC keys.

Now you have the settings, just place them into your msi and you set.
Posted by: Soulin 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
2MSIMaker: Thanks, thats what I needed, found few changes in registry and in odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini and now I can replicate then through script
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