moving data from one app to another......why is it slow?
When a user moves data from Excel to Word or to Excel it transfers slowly. But when transferring data to the network, it transfers at proper speeds. Is it her local profile or what? I need some answers.
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could you provide us with more detailed information. and what`s the coherence to KACE. - aragorn.2003 8 years ago
something tells me, in a day or so, another "new user" will show up with the answer, which will be a link to a website to download a miracle cure for this specific issue. - BHC-Austin 8 years ago
a bit more info might help. when you say move... like copy and past. or actually transferring the data programtically. What is your environment?? Roaming profiles? Folder redirection? are you using VDI, where and how is the data moving. When you say transferring to the network, do you mean saving or what?? - Badger 8 years ago
Answers (1)
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Posted by:
8 years ago
If the transfer is using DDE, your users would probably benefit from re-entering the data by hand! Find another solution/alternative route.