MSI CustomActionData property with powershell
I am revisting an old MSI that has a binary VBS which I have moved to powershell.
The vbs custom action in the MSI has a custom action type of VBScript source of the binary table.
The vbs has some code to grab the username from the script and logic and the line below is fed into the MSI where the USERNAME property is used.
Now I want to move to powershell and have written the script.
I have read a few articles and seems either is required to be fed back from the powershell script to the MSI:
AI_SetMsiProperty USERNAME $Username
set-property -name USERNAME -value $Username
where the $Username is the powershell variable to obtain the username.
My question is possible to reference the powershell script from the "binary" table from the custom action table?
I am using Orca for a Windows Installer editor.
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