MSI Edit for Server?
I'm attempting to install KBOX using MDT 2012. I have the MSI, however, I'd like to edit the MSI using ORCA in order to have the server name input automatically so that I may perform a silent intsallation. My problem is that I'm unsure of exactly where to make this change within the MSI. I appreciate any advice you could give! Thank you!
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11 years ago
You can add a HOST property with Orca. Either that or use
You can also change the name to - dugullett 11 years ago
I use the host = switch and it works great - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
I had actually tried the host switch before, however, it didn't work for me. I think it was due to user error though hah. I adjusted my syntax for the command line a bit and it actually worked this time! I like the renaming of the MSI too, that's great that it allows for that. Thank you both! - lzrelak 11 years ago