Multiple Office zip packages being downloaded even after deleting the package from the Kace box
So i have had to go in and create an Office 2013 package, upload it to the KBox, test, delete the package and create another package to test. I go and remove the package from the distribution section than create another one. What the problem is that when i push the package to the PC it is downloading all 4 zip packages and doesn’t know what one to execute. How can i delete the package completely so the old ones don’t get downloaded?
Answers (1)
I think that the problem is in how you are adding & deleting the payload associated to the sodtware document.
Go in the Inventory -> Software tab: how many Office with the associated payload do you see? (the software with a payload associated is normally displayed on the top and has a little icon on the left of the name of it)
You'd have only one Office with the payload associated.
When you change the package (the ZIP) you need to substitute it in the Software document.
Now check that you have only one Managed Install document for Office.
All should work fine in this case.
StockTrader - Marco