
Need a script to search Path of a file and set PATH variable


The requirement is to set PATH environment variable with the version of JAVA JDK installed on the machine.

The application requires JAVA JDK 1.6 and above installed on the machine. There are many versions of JAVA JDK available in our PROD environment, so my task is the search for the version of Java installed on the machine and then add the path (ex; C:\Program File\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin) to the system PATH environment variable. Let me know if this is possible with VB script or Batch script.


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Answers (4)

Answer Summary:
Use the VBScript illustrated below.
Posted by: PackDep 12 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

thanks all for your help... The below script did the job for me..

Dim FSO, OFWindows,OWinFolders,OWinFolder, fullpath,objshell,objsysEnv, final

Set FSO= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

final = "\bin"

Set objshell= CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

Set OFWindows= FSO. GetFolder("C:\Program Files (x86)\Java")

Set OWinFolders= OFWindows.SubFolders

For each OWinFolder in OWinFolders

If UCase(left(OWinFolder.name, 3))="jdk" then fullpath= OWinFolder.path


'Set objSysEnv= objshell.Environment("SYSTEM")

'objsysEnv("PATH")=objsysEnv("PATH") & ";" & fullpath & final

Posted by: etipton 12 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt

If you are using batch, this should get you started:


Posted by: mekaywe 12 years ago
Brown Belt

If you are specific to the path mentioned by you. check if file/folder exists using vbscript and set the property using session.property which inturn sets environment variable PATH value

Posted by: akki 12 years ago
4th Degree Black Belt

This might help you:

On error resume Next
Dim java_ver,strVarName,strVarValue,objFSO, WSHShell
strVarName = "Path"
strVarValue = "C:\Program File\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin"
Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
java_ver = objFSO.GetFileVersion("C:\Windows\System32\java.exe")

If java_ver="6.X.X.X" Then
WSHShell.Environment.item("PATH") = WSHShell.Environment.item("Path") & ";" & strVarValue
WScript.Echo "Created environment variable " & strVarName
End If

Set WSHShell    = Nothing
Set objFSO    = Nothing

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