Need to Copy Folders In Maintenance Mode..
I have an issue with an installer which copies fileS AND folders to C:\PROGRAMfILES\tomcat\webapps\[USERNAME1]\ during first install. I want to copy the same files and folders to C:\PROGRAMfILES\tomcat\webapps\[USERNAME2]\ during Maintenance "Reinstall" Mode. Or I need to change the INSTALLDIR to USERNAME2 FROM USERNAME1 DURING mAINTENANCE MODE. I think there is someone who encountered and solved this. USERNAME1 and USERNAME2 are user inputs...
Answers (1)
Doing this through an msi is not an easy feat, especially if you want to capture user input. Other question: how do you trigger the maintenance mode. It isn't like a self-heal that runs automatically.
Is there a need to do this through windows installer? The only way to consitently trigger maintenance is to include a component with with a non-permanent key-file. Then however each application start triggers maintenance. From a user experience not nice.
The result you want can be achieved with a config shortcut you create that triggers a script to ask for user input and then copies the files. This can be run on demand. Just make sure the users have RW acces rights to the C:\Program Files\tomcat\webapps folder.
good luck deveeloping the solution.