New Ticket-Email notification to ticket Owner needs more information
Our technicians do receive an email (Ticket Created) notification that they can view with their iphones.The information on the notification consist of the ticket number, description, comments and link to view the ticket on the portal. The other information such as submitter, site, contact telephone, etc. is not included. Can we just include all ticket info in the notification? Thanks
Answers (3)
Are you using the system rules for notification or a custom rule? If you are using the system rules you are limited to the fields that can be included (they are listed on the right hand side when editing the templates). If you are using custom rules then you can include anything that the select statement in the rule includes.
When they get the email in their outlook on the desktop it does not have all the info. They have to log on to portal and open the ticket to see everything.
There is no custom ticket rule so it must be a system rule. System ticket rules are: Waiting overdue, Overdue close, email on close customer responded, reopen ticket. We only have two custom ticket rules: VIP Helpdesk and Waiting on Customer. How would I see the what you are referring to on the right hand side?
On the queue configuration page there's a link to "Customize Emails" (it's next to the text for Email on Events). When you click that link you'll be sent to a page where you can edit the templates for the messages sent based on the events checked in the grid on the configuration page. On the right hand side there should be a box labeled "Configuration Notes" that lists the available variables. - chucksteel 12 years ago
This helped a lot. Thank you. - lwhittaker 12 years ago