
Office 2010, Lync 2013 + Sysprep

Office 2010, Lync 2013 + Sysprep


I'm building an image for Win 7 Pro to deploy to multiple users. The issue is that I have office 2010 installed and just Lync 2013. The office is activated fine, however I get a prompt for Lync 2013 stating I have 29 days to activate.  Do I enter in the MAK (we have a KMS also) key before I sysprep and prepare for deployment? 


I ask b/c if I just uninstall and reinstall it after my deployment, everything works fine, but during my initial deployment, the Lync 2013 keeps prompting for a login, thanks.

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  • Just so I understanded:

    1. I can just place the below 2 scripts in Local Group Policy Editor > Scripts (Logon) and it should activate, is that right?

    2. This wouldn't affect office 2010 since I am only installing Lync 2013, is that right?

    3. Do I just copy both the scripts and create a single .CMD file or is it 2 separate .CMD files to put in Scripts (Logon)?

    Thanks! - sagunseanchetry 11 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
Red Belt

you can run a couple of post commands to activate.

these are for 32 office on a 64 bit machine, it will be the same type of call for lync 2013

start /wait cscript "c:\program files (x86)\microsoft office\office15\ospp.vbs" /Inpkey:MAKxx-KEYxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx

start /wait cscript "c:\program files (x86)\microsoft office\office15\ospp.vbs" /act

  • you just need to locate your Office Software Protection Platform vbs file.
    http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee624350.aspx - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
  • Just so I understanded:

    1. I can just place the below 2 scripts in Local Group Policy Editor > Scripts (Logon) and it should activate, is that right?

    2. This wouldn't affect office 2010 since I am only installing Lync 2013, is that right?

    3. Do I just copy both the scripts and create a single .CMD file or is it 2 separate .CMD files to put in Scripts (Logon)?

    Thanks! - sagunseanchetry 11 years ago
    • It will not mess with 2010. You need it to run after the finishes sysprep.
      so run once via GPO will work. You need them to run in sequence so a single cmd file would be better.

      I have the luxury of a K2000 so my machines auto login as admin once and runs a bunch of post tasks I created in the kbox then it reboots after 60 seconds.

      Have never done this myself but you also should be able to run these as Synchronous commands in the answer file. - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
      • thanks, we are looking into SCCM currently, final questions below:

        1. Aster a machine syspreps and reboots, I should let it log back into the build-in admin that I'm basing my default profile off of and run the CMD and then reboot and can then capture the image?

        2. If I specify in unattend.xml I'm assuming in generalize phase?

        Thanks! - sagunseanchetry 11 years ago
      • When I sysprep a machine i tell it to shut down, then capture it, deploy it and then let it post sysprep on target machines to find the new hardware and create a unique SID.

        I would put that under pass 7 oobe so it runs after posting.

        Are you using the copy profile = true in your answer file to copy your master user to default?

        here are some blogs I posted that may help you also

        never hesitate to post questions on this site for input, alot of good techs on here willing to share knowledge. My email is also posted in my profile. - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
      • Thanks for being so helpful!
        I do have copyprofile = true
        What component would it be if I put it under the OOBE pass "Windows-Setup"?
        What got me was when I try to change the code after I get the trail message the MAK key works, but not the KMS as it says it's not the correct key for Office 2014. The weird thing is if I uninstall Lync 2013 after I get the message trial message and re-install it works fine. - sagunseanchetry 11 years ago
      • my bad, was not paying attention, add a run sync to the specialize pass. I have been rebuilding the k1000 server - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
      • do you have the correct kms key?
        http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn385360.aspx - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
      • Thanks, I have the KMS key but the weird thing is if I click change the Product key and paste the KMS key in there it says it's not a validate office 2014 key, but if I copy and paste the MAK key I get so message so I'm assuming when it actually works after I uninstall and reinstall, it's validating against the MAK key possibly, you think? - sagunseanchetry 11 years ago
      • you may just have to rearm office these are the commands I use for the kms image to reset office

        "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\ospprearm.exe"

        cscript "c:\program files (x86)\microsoft office\office15\ospp.vbs" /act - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
      • Thanks! I test and keep you posted, thanks for all the help, I'm a bit new to this. - sagunseanchetry 11 years ago

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