Office 2010 silent uninstall
Please bare with me I am pretty new to Kace. So I see that Office 2013 doesn't completely uninstall Office 2010 when upgrading. I have read all of the other post on how to silently uninstall office 2010 but it doesn't work when I try to do it thru Kace. If I run the following from either a local batch file or from cmd line it executes and removes office 2010. Kace guru's please help. Here is the command that I use to uninstall:
"\\FILE-LP\Infosys\Software\Microsoft\MicrosoftOffice2010\x86 with sp1\setup.exe" /uninstall proplus /config "\\FILE-LP\Infosys\Software\Microsoft\MicrosoftOffice2010\x86 with sp1\ProPlus.WW\silentuninstallconfig.xml"
Here are the settings for the managed install:
Answers (3)
To remove the entire office 2010 x86 suite:
"%~dp0\setup.exe" /config "%~dp0\Uninstall.xml" /Uninstall ProPlus