Optiplex 390/790 video driver
UPDATE: Apparently the Aero issue appears to be unrelated to the driver postinstall. I will have to look deeper into that...
I am having problems with the driver feed installing the correct video driver for my Optiplex 390/790s. I can install the driver fine as a postinstall task. What I want to accomplish though is to have a master image that is the base for all of my images. So if I include this postinstall task in my system image and deploy it to a different model, it disables Aero for some reason on any new user profiles. Existing user profiles are unaffected. It doesn't do this on a 390 or 790 when it actually installs the driver, but if the installer runs on an incompatible model this is the result.
So long story short, has anyone else had issues with the 390/790 video driver? And how did you resolve it?
This is the latest version from Dell: Intel_multi-device_A09_R307994
Answers (2)
I had issues with the 390 video drivers and here's what I had to do:
- Create a seperate image instance specifically for the 390s (dup the master)
- Target a Postinstallation task to that instance to install the video driver silently
- Target another Postinstallation task to enable Aero (I used a BAT script with the command "winsat.exe dwm")
That seems to work for me!
Thanks for the response! It's a shame that certain drivers seem to not work with the feed... - nheyne 12 years ago
"- Create a seperate image instance specifically for the 390s (dup the master)
- Target a Postinstallation task to that instance to install the video driver silently
- Target another Postinstallation task to enable Aero (I used a BAT script with the command "winsat.exe dwm")"
That's not a fix!!! it's a work around that defits the purpose of having KACE in the first place - jbacot 11 years ago
In your post installation task you can check for the model of the computer using a vb script and only install it if it matches. Here is part of what you would need.
On Error Resume Next
const HKLM = &H80000002
strComputer = "."
Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &_
strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
strKeyPath = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SystemInformation"
strValueName = "SystemProductName"
oReg.GetStringValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue
WScript.Echo "Model: " & strValue
Youll need to compare that strValue to see if it contains the model your looking for rather than echoing it.
Thanks for the script! - nheyne 12 years ago