Oracle 11g Instant Client - AppV 5 - How to get it working?
Hi. I'm new to AppV 5 but fairly experienced with AppV 4.6.
I'm trying to sequence the Oracle 11g Instant client currently along with InfoMaker which runs a few reports (later when Oracle works, it will be a separate package with a connection group, but as it doesn't work, I don't want to introduce issues with connection groups for now).
If I expand this package on a sequencer, it works absolutely fine. As soon as I publish the {insert obsentity} package, I have a lovely system error, telling me the program cannot start because PBVM105.dll is missing. With AppV 4.6 there were environment variables which had to be added to the OSD. I have checked the manifest.XML for this package, and the variables appear to be fine. TNSnames is available and in the correct location I have run procmon to find out what's happening - the package is looking in the correct location for the DLL and the DLL is there.
I tried changing the install directory as recommend by some article I read on the Internet - still no joy, same error. I have not tried enabling the PVAD and sequencing to there yet.
Is this something I need to do? Does anyone have a recipe for this? From the lack of information for AppV 5 and oracle on the internet I'm assuming others are not having the same issue.
Put me out of my misery please.
If this ends up in the wrong forum - I'm sorry :S - I'm suffering temporary insanity
Answers (15)
Yes I did resolve the Oracle issues but I have not managed to sequence Infomaker successfully.
I separated the packages as they should be. The oracle package I created really without issue. Used the oracle client 11g instant client. Copied my TNSnames etc as required.
I didn't need to set any variables as with AppV 4.6.
Whilst in the testing stage I created a shortcut on the desktop during seqencing, to a command prompt which launched Sqlplus.exe with some supplied credentials to a database. When launching the shortcut it would tell me whether I had a successful connection or not. The Shortcut Target parameters were these:-
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k "sqlplus.exe {Insert username, password and database here}"
I think one of my previous issues was not understanding connection groups fully and the fact there seems to be an order in which you need to connect the apps in the group.
Coming from AppV4.6, connection groups were a new concept.
In short, I didn't do anything special with Oracle to package it, just ensure you set up the connection group correctly with whatever apps you need to use it with.
Hope that gives you some assistance.
As for Infomaker, it's on my "to do" list still, but I needed a sanity check and more experience with APPV 5 before tackling that PITA again. - Bexy 8 years ago
Thanks for the replies.
VBScab. The powerbuilder DLL comes from Infomaker which is currently being sequenced with Oracle as one package until I can make this work and separate them then use connection groups. Interestingly I have packaged Infomaker on its own and it works fine, so I feel at this stage the Oracle aspect is at fault - but you might tell me different. If I install these apps without trying to virtualise them, the Instant client and Infomaker work fine.
Vigneshwaran4264. The version of Appv 5 I am using is 5.1.
No, no, no, NO!
Install InfoMaker on your sequencing box first (I *really* hope you're using VMs!!) then sequence the Oracle part. Once that works, sequence InfoMaker and make sure *that* works. Only then should you try to get the combination working. Any other route will drive you further down the insanity route!!
VBScab - Lucky my ego can take a bashing ;) LOL - yes I am using VMs (what self respecting packager wouldn't be ;) ). I understand what you are saying about the separate packages and originally I did this. I did mention I was new to AppV5 - when I used a connection group I was getting errors. Not knowing whether this was my lack of knowledge with connection groups, I thought I would initially package them together (thereby by- passing one potential point of failure - the connection group).
Obviously when I did package them together, I was still getting errors, hence my post.
As an aside, I can replicate this error without packaging. If I install Infomaker and run the reports without Oracle being installed on a machine, I get the same error - therefore I am certain that oracle is the problem.
Yesterday I tried another application which uses oracle and was getting errors with that as well, so again I'm convinced that the issue is with my oracle sequencing (which I never experienced under appv 4.6).
Setting aside your feelings towards my packaging & troubleshooting ability - I guess I should reiterate again - can someone confirm to me whether there is anything special, any gotchas, anything at all that I need to be aware of when sequencing either the Oracle Instant Client or the full client?
Secondly, surely you mean you *don't* get the error if you run the report without Oracle being installed? Otherwise, the exact opposite of your assertion that "Oracle is the problem" is true.
Thirdly, it's time to roll out the VBScab "ProcMon" response! :-)
No apologies required VBScab - I've worked in IT long enough to have supported windows for workgroups 3.11 and had to carry the tcp/ip protocol on a floppy disk to install it along with the driver for a network card. Unfortunately longevity in IT does not always mean common sense and ability increase along with service. I have broad shoulders ;)
I do mean "do get the error". To confirm, if I install infomaker on a PC (no virtualising) and do NOT install Oracle I get the same error I am experiencing within the package, which suggests to me that Oracle is not being "seen" within the bubble.
I have indeed used the illustrious Procmon (next to VM's its a packagers godsend) prior to posting (I should perhaps have said, my bad). As you can see from this screen shot, the path is not found, however on checking within the bubble, I can navigate to at least one instance of the DLL being in one of these locations.
Me too! Those were the days...using QEMM to stuff drivers into extended memory...Daily releases of 3Com's TCP/IP stack for LAN Manager 1.1...
Compaq's unofficial/official "drop it from 1 metre on to the workbench" fix for their 40MB drives with 'stiction'...It was still fun then [sigh]
>install Infomaker [snip] and do NOT install Oracle
>Oracle is not being seen within the bubble could it be seen if it's not installed?
My path would be...before doing any sequencing, install then test Infomaker. Snapshot. Install Oracle. Does Infomaker still work?
Sequence Infomaker. Snapshot. Install (not sequence) Oracle. Does Infomaker still work? Does Oracle work?
Let us know the outcome of these scenarios.
Showing our age, maybe that's not such a good thing! LAN Manager 1.1!!! Don't suppose you started life as a computer operator as well did you? - good old IBM DOS/VSE. It seems most "old IT dogs and dogettes" started life in Operations.
1. Infomaker and Oracle installed natively - all works fine.
2. Infomaker sequenced works fine on its own (aspects of infomaker do no require Oracle so it can be tested).
I haven't tried Infomaker sequenced with a local install of Oracle - so that's a good point. Will try and get back to you.
I have a small batch script written which can test a connection to one of the Oracle databases. I think I will sequence Oracle on its own with a shortcut to this script. I should hopefully be able to test the Oracle aspect to see if it is actually connecting to any databases or if the issue is just when Infomaker is thrown into the mix. I don't think Infomaker is the culprit though, as I said before, I tried another application with Oracle and got DLL errors as well.
AppV 4.6 never gave me this much hassle!
Really? I've found 5.0's hit-rate for successful sequences straight out of the box to be an order of magnitude greater.
BTW, you are using 5.0 SP3, right? And do you have both options on the 'Advanced' tab checked?
Well give it time. It seems to me everything is cyclical. Mainframes were downsized and now the technology is basically back with the ESX server and VM.
4.6 - I liked it. I have only completed 3 packages with AppV 5 (told you I was new to this version), so I can't comment on the success rate compared to 4.6. Pretty much every issue I hit with AppV 4.6 I managed to resolve by myself or with some good googling activity (what did we do before the internet??? Our companies paid a lot more rent on extra space required by manuals! The racks containing our main frame manuals were colossal. It was art form just finding the error message you wanted to lookup).
Version of App V is 5.0.10107.0 which I believe is Appv5 sp3.
I am assuming when you say advanced tab its this one:- and there are 3 and I don't have any of them ticked.
There I was all hopeful - opened the package, ticked the boxes, made a fresh pot of tea, confident it was all going to work.
Unfortunately - same error. I drank the pot of tea before another expletive left my lips (I think they call it shock).
Anyhow. I'm going to separate the packages: ensure Oracle is working (I have a batch script to test this). Package Infomaker and get to grips with the connection group thing which I've not done yet. This is the correct way to do this, I know that - so that's what I will do.
I Will report back - or maybe you should watch the news for the sudden death of an IT Packaging Engineer (I am only joking before anyone thinks I'm truly suicidal).
<appv:Variable Name="TNS_ADMIN" Value="[{AppVPackageDrive}]\oracle\network\admin" />
<appv:Variable Name="ORACLE_HOME" Value="[{AppVPackageDrive}]\Oracle" />
<appv:Variable Name="PATH" Value="[{AppVPackageDrive}]\oracle;[{AppVPackageDrive}]\oracle\bin;[{ProgramFilesX86}]\Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder;[{ProgramFilesX86}]\Sybase\Shared\DataDirect;%PATH%;[{AppVPackageDrive}]\oracle;[{AppVPackageDrive}]\oracle\bin;[{ProgramFilesX86}]\Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder;[{ProgramFilesX86}]\Sybase\Shared\DataDirect" />
</appv:Include> - Bexy 9 years ago
Erroneous. This just tells the Client where it can find TNSNAMES.ORA. - anonymous_9363 9 years ago