
outlook 2010 uninstall

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Hello all-

I'm having troubles with silent uninstallation of Microsoft outlook 2010 using KAce 100. how can i uninstall outlook 2010 without unistalling the whole office suite. any help would be greatly appreciated.





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Answers (3)

Posted by: jagadeish 12 years ago
Red Belt

Look into "Setup customization patch sequencing" part in the below link


Posted by: piyushnasa 12 years ago
Red Belt

Create a new MSP with Outlook feature as removed and then install that patch on the machine. It will remove Outlook 2010.

Posted by: mpace 12 years ago
Red Belt

Unfortunately this can't be done. You will have to uninstall the entire suite and then reinstall a customized installation without Outlook. Reference http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/install-or-remove-individual-office-programs-and-components-HA010354261.aspx most notably:  Important    You can’t remove Office programs individually after the suite has been installed. You must uninstall Office completely, and then reinstall it using a custom installation following the steps outlined above.

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