Queue Customization - AD Integration
Is it possible to utilize the AD Fields pulling in username, phone, email, department etc to display as submitter so staff doesn't have to fill that out.
When the go to enter a ticket i would like it to pre-populate
John Smith
(123) 456-7890
What's your problem ?
[ ]
(So all they need to do is enter the issue)
Answers (1)
Yes and no, so you can display that data, but you need to understand that it can only be populated by a ticket rule and a ticket rule needs the ticket saved to run.
So the ticket needs to know the user ID before the ticket rule can run and display the data in the ticket.
The user signs on to create the ticket. The K1000 should already knows who the user is.
Is there a way to inject tickets other than email ? So we get all the information outside of Kace and then send to Kace to create the ticket for staff to follow-up on ?
We are trying to get staff to use the system more, but it 2025 and we have them logon to a system to create a ticket and then have to ask who they are. - kroberts@cville.org 5 hours ago