Packaging SAP GUI 7.20.07- leads to missing shortcuts
I'm an application packager working for a large company and am having difficulty getting the compressed file to add the shortcuts. The files are present in the appropriate places but a number of them are missing...especially the SAP Logon shortcut on the desktop and in the user's start menu. I have used the following method to create the installer: Using the uncompressed install files from gui720_0-10007878.exe which I unzipped and ran the NwCreateInstServer.exe to create new SAP server. I created a package using the NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe selecting the components that were required by the business unit. I then updated the server with the following patches:
- gui720_7-10007878.exe
- bi720sp04p_402-20006596.exe
- bw350gui720_6-20006857.exe
I ran a check on the server and it shows that each patch and all files were OK. The release numbers also changed. I compressed the package into a single exe file and ran it on a Windows 7 32b VM that had Office 2010, Flash, Java, etc. on. I had selected the following components within the package, SAP GUI for Windows 7.20 (Comp 1), Engineering Client Viewer 6.0, BW 3.50 Add-On for SAP GUI 7.20, KW Add-on for SAP GUI 7.20, SAP Automatic Workstation Update and Business Explorer (all options selected under each of the components). I've tried eliminating the Automatic Workstation Update but still get the same results. I'm working on VM machines and can revert to clean OS after each install. I had created a package for another business unit in the company that was SAP GUI 7.20 Patch 10 without any difficulty using this same method. Please help me understand what is causing the shortcuts for SAP Interactive Excel, SAP Logon, and R3 Add-On to be missing even though their exe files are installed. Log files report success and running NWCheckWorstation.exe also reports that all files are installed.
Answers (2)
1. What is the value of ALLUSERS property in property table. Ensure that it is "1"
2. Check is there any properties in the property table which can be used to enable/disable the creation of shortcuts. If so, ensure that it has correct value as expected..
3. Check those shortcuts in shortcut table whether they have correct Feature under Feature column.
Jagadeish, the SAP GUI tool does not work like a normal packaging tool such as AdminStudio or Wise. There is no way that I know of to break into the code of the tool. I have a "server" and have the ability to add vbs scripts to the beginning of the install or the end but the properties table, etc. are not available. I wish they were! I'm about ready to copy the correct shortcuts into the CustomerFile folder which picks up the contents of that folder during the compile of the exe. and see if I can deliver them that way. It certainly isn't very elegant but the process did not have this difficulty in the later version I did a few months ago. - JAF 12 years ago
What does your log file says?
Processing is recorded in the following file:
% ProgramFiles%\SAP\SAPetup\Logs\NWSAPSetup.log
If there are errors, you see a link to an Error Report. Errors are recorded in the following file, which you can view using your normal web browser:
Please check the following link. - jagadeish 12 years ago -
I dont think so there is a option to enable/disable shortcuts in SAP Installation Server Administration Tool - jagadeish 12 years ago
jagadeish...thank you for the link. It serves to confirm that I am not the only one who has experienced this. I have created the installation server three times already. I can try it again but am not hopeful. I have checked the install log as you suggested but don't see any error codes regarding shortcuts. The exit code is 0. I'm just at a loss. Doing the same process for PL 10 did not present any of these challenges. Is there anything "different" I should try when re-creating the installation server? I'm following the SAP Installation guide steps. - JAF 12 years ago
You must make and smi whit the shorcuts, to make the seftheal. I did SAP GUI and had the same problem