
Looking for patching schedule best practices

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I'm looking for documents about patching schedule best practices. I saw a KKE were it is recommended to make a daily detection and a weekly detect & deploy. But i can't find papers that explain this.

So if you have some, I'm interested in you share.

Thank you.

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  • is it possible to apply same patches that applied to test machines(10-20 Machines ) and later apply the same patches to end user machines without Smart Labels, as i want to make sure Patches are not causing any issues and later deploy same patches to user machines, - rahimpal 7 years ago

Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: ronco 9 years ago
Third Degree Brown Belt

Top Answer


We've covered this topic in our KKE program.

Ron Colson
KACE Koach

  • Thank you, I found most of what I'm looking for. But is it possible to download the slides of this recording ? - gwir 9 years ago
    • gwir,

      Unfortunately, that is not possible. However, you're welcome to come to any of our Open Forum KKEs to discuss any topic you want. We hold them most Thursdays. You can register to attend live KKEs here:


      The link is at the bottom of the page.

      Ron Colson
      KACE Koach - ronco 9 years ago
      • updated url: https://support.quest.com/kace-systems-management-appliance/training/154/kace-kontinuing-education - kpm8 7 years ago
Posted by: rockhead44 9 years ago
Red Belt
I would start with the Administrator Guide


  • Thank you for the link.
    There's lot of good informations, but nothing about scheduler timing good choices. Should we detect and deploy needed patchs daily ? Making multiple detect schedule, one for critical, one for recommended...

    That's what I'm lokking for. - gwir 9 years ago
    • I patch Windows Updates (critical and recommended) once per week and perform a Detect and Deploy at that time. I patch Flash/Reader/Shockwave/AIR on a different day, also doing Detect and Deploy. I do these after hours. - rockhead44 9 years ago
      • Is it a rule you define yourself ? - gwir 9 years ago
      • Yes. I use smart labels to ID the patches and then create patch schedules where I target machines (also smart labels). - rockhead44 9 years ago
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