PO Tasks Issues w/ Input files
First time imaging, but long time IT experience. I have three PO application installs giving me headaches. I can copy and paste the same command over to a PC and run the commands manually and it works with no issues. I did have a problem with one install that was passing a capital -S and on that one I had to put the command into a batch file, because kace was making it lowercase. I have not tried that with these three yet. I have tried all manner of /img, ./img, img variants on the nested folders when it has them.
The three applications are:
AutoCad 2017:
Img\Setup.exe /W /qb /I Img\Imgx64.ini /language en-us
A zip file containing a batch file, with the line:
"%~dp0SolsticeDisplaySetup_3.0.2.exe" /s /sms /f1"%~dp0SolsticeDisplaySetup_3.0.2.iss"
(Before that I had tried doing it via a parameter, no luck with either method.)
COMSOL Multiphysics 5.3:
./setup.exe -s ./setupconfig.ini
On all three it does the install, but it doesn't actually apply the input files. So it's like default installs without the input file information. Does anyone have any tricks or tips, something stupid I am doing? I may have a problem with matlab doing the same thing, but it doesn't fail according to kace like the others. But I do have to hit restart now or restart later. Which I don't have to do usually. Pretty worn out trying to get all this working and time is short.
Comsol and Autocad were exported from K1 and imported into K2, since they were larger than 2GB. I haven't done MI's with any of them, but do scripted installs on the K1 all the time. Same setup files and commands. I thought it could be because the K1 scripted install is doing with an admin account, so I tried psexec run as system and autocad installed with no issues. So I'm at a loss. I also tried dropping %~dp0 into the input file path, but the parameter passed it literal, it didn't resolve the variable.
It seems like the K2 has very little in the way of figuring out what exactly the "unknown error" is.
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Posted by:
7 years ago
I generally put any installation commands in a batch file and use that for the parameter on the K2000. I have never needed to use the %~dp0 variable when launching this way. Some things you can do to trouble shoot:
Put a task early in the post-install task list and check the c:\kace\applications folder for the installer. There should be a folder for each post-install task, named by ID. Make sure that paths are all correct.
In the c:\kace folder there should be a tasks.xml file. Check that file and see what the syntax for the command is.
On another machine you can also mount the \\kace2000server\peinst share. It is a hidden share, so you won't see it normally. That share contains an applications folder that stores the post-install tasks. You can see what things look like there, also.
And of course, use any logging options available to get more information than "unknown error".
Do you know if there is a way to update the zip file with the bat file other than the tedious import / export from k1 to k2? I tried to write the files directly to peinst, but no go. - five. 7 years ago
Not that I'm aware of, unfortunately. The peinst share is read only. - chucksteel 7 years ago