Post-Installation Task - Task Converter for Windows 7 - Naming?
I use the post-installation converter script from the KACE Team for my sysprepped WIM images. Everything works fine, but it will show:
"Post Installation Task 1"
"Post Installation Task 2"
"Post Installation Task 3"
Is there a way to have these named to which post-installation task you're doing? So for instance, "VLC Media Player", "Flash 11.0", etc?
Answers (2)
The reason why this happens is because when the K2 writes the items for a sysprepped image, it does not include the description because the items are being run from a .bat file. In a Scripted Install, the items are getting run from the Unattend, which allows a "description" area. Since there is no description in the .bat file, we just use Task 1, Task 2, etc.
I was at the Kace Konference last week and asked about this very question. It has something to do with the way the converter works, and well... long story short, it only works like that for a scripted install. On a sysprepped image it will only show Task 1, 2, etc. So... Unfortunately, that's just the way it works, I guess....
Thanks - that answers it. I still can't figure out what the advantage of scripted install VS WIM sysprepped imaging is. My instructors at the KACE Konference suggest scripted installs, but I'm just comfortable with WIMs now, and it seems to go a lot faster. - sfigg 11 years ago
I do not use the converter for win 7 just run my commands as a post script - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
The reason why this happens is because when the K2 writes the items for a sysprepped image, it does not include the description because the items are being run from a .bat file. In a Scripted Install, the items are getting run from the Unattend, which allows a "description" area. Since there is no description in the .bat file, we just use Task 1, Task 2, etc. - cserrins 11 years ago