
Powershell- Help with script to display\Output local user profiles on multiple machines

Dear community ,

First of all let me take this opportunity to say hi , what a great community you have here. Am a powershell novice and am having problem with my script. Basically , the script is meant to read from a csv file containing a list of Pcs , view the local user profile location ( C:\Users) on each pc and output the data to another csv. So far all my script can do is just output the user profiles of all the computers in the csv file but not the computername so I cannnot tell what userprofiles are from which machine.

Here is my script 


$machineinfo = import-csv "D:\machine.csv" -header ("Machine")

ForEach ($item in $machineinfo) {

Write-Host $item.Machine

$item.Machine >> D:\output.csv

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users >> D:\output.csv



Any advice will be highly appreciated. Thanks.

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Answers (4)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: flip1001 9 years ago
Black Belt

Top Answer

$machineinfo = import-csv "D:\machine.csv" -header ("Machine")

ForEach ($item in $machineinfo) {
$machine = $item.Machine
Write-Host $machine
if (test-path("\\$machine\C$\Users")) {
$users = (Get-ChildItem \\$machine\C$\Users).Name
$out = [string] ($users -join ";")
Write-Output "$machine,$out" >> D:\output.csv
} else {
Write-Output "$machine,Error reading profiles." >> D:\output.csv

Posted by: mbouju 9 years ago
White Belt
I'd use a more "Windows-ish" way to get the profiles used on a computer :

$computers = import-csv "D:\machine.csv" -header ("Machine")
$users = @()
$members = @{
        Name = ""
        SID = ""
        Path = ""
foreach ($computer in $computers)
    $profiles = gwmi win32_userprofile -ComputerName $computer | select localpath,sid
    foreach ($profile in $profiles) {
        $user = New-Object psobject -Property $members
        $user.SID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($profile.sid)
        $user.Name = $user.SID.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value
        $user.Path = $profile.localpath
        $users += $user

$users | Export-Csv -Path "c:\users.csv"


Posted by: TonyFishers 9 years ago
Yellow Belt
Thanks Flip1001! I owe you :-)
Posted by: TonyFishers 9 years ago
Yellow Belt
Thanks Flip1001! I owe you :-)
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