Powershell script that reads from Excel sheet sends out e-mails
Another tricky one! I did a powershell script that successfully extracted list of computers and users that are currently logged to them in a specific Domain )then output data to an Excel sheet with three columns ( Name , Computer and e-mail address)
Now I need to send each user in spreadsheet an individual e-mail requesting an action on the machines. I have the script below
$emailFrom = me@company.com
$subject= Urgent action on *machine*
$body = Please return *Machine* by given time etc etc
$emailTo= recepient@company.com
$smtpServer = smtp.company.com
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
How do I modify it to perform a loop action and read through the Excel sheet and;
1)pick out the user's e-mail address
2)add the corresponding machine in body of the e-mail
3)Send out e-mails one by one
Many thanks in advance!
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9 years ago
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So this isn't really a K1000 question, but PS is fun anyway!
Maybe add something like this? This assumes you have a .csv that has at least these three columns: Name , Computer and e-mail.
$import=import-csv c:\yourdoc.csv
$smtpServer = smtp.company.com
$emailFrom = me@company.com
$subject= "Urgent action on " ## add machine later in the loop
foreach ($person in $import)
$body="Please return $computer by $now.adddays(7)." # 7 days from today, for example.
$smtp=new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)