
PowerShell script to find Windows defender version - needs to be inventoried in kace

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fgzAAAAAElFTkSuQmCCHello Everyone, I'm trying to inventory windows Defender Files on kace and in the screenshot its the PS script to find out version - Is there a way this could be inventoried in Kace through Custom inventory ? If yes, what triggers do I need to use for Kace SMA 11+

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Posted by: Nico_K 3 years ago
Red Belt

At first: Welcome.

Indeed, the Custom Inventory Rules are the best way to do so.
It would be something like: 

ShellCommandTextReturn(cmd /q /c powershell -command "Get-MpComputerStatus | select *version") (did not test it and used your command)
The CIR are running during the check in of the clients.
You can also run it manually:
C:\program files (x86)\quest\kace\KDeploy.exe -custominventory (you always should do this only for testing or in SPECIAL circumstances)

For that you don't need 11.x, but ...
Since the 11.1 will come out soon, all versions before 11.0 will become EOL soon, which is important if you need help or similar. All Versions except 11.0 and 10.2 are EOL already, so: YES! You need to use a newer version.
Posted by: silicobat00 3 years ago
White Belt

Thank you very much, appreciate your help. 

Posted by: pmkochie 3 years ago
Senior White Belt

If you search for "Inventory:" in the software, there is an entry for "Inventory: Bitlocker Recovery" with the publisher = "Quest | Timo Weberskirch)  

I've used his code ShellCommandTextReturn(powershell -executionpolicy bypass -command "(Get-BitLockerVolume).KeyProtector") to implement a few custom invntory rules.
Just swap out (Get-BitLockerVolume).KeyProtector with your PowerShell command.

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