
Powershell to find and disable and delete user accounts

Hi all,

I am new to Powershell, and have been given the task to do the following.

I am trying to get a PowerShell script v4 to got through certain OU Groups in AD and if a user is 60 days inactive then disable it and move to a disabled OU, if inactive 90 day or more then delete the from the disabled OU.


I have this so far, with the Transcript, I have it in there to log, but I can not get it to format correctly.

Also need to move the users profile folder to a drive, where we will keep it for a period of time before deleting.

$Logfile = "D:\test\AUTODELETEUSERS.txt"

Start-Transcript -Path $Logfile 

Write-Verbose "START OF LOG FILE" -Verbose

Write-Verbose "Compare Date : Getting date" -Verbose


Write-Verbose "Settings Number of days to 60" -Verbose






$OnLeave='On Leave Until'



$then = (Get-Date).AddDays(-60)

$LISTOFACCOUNTS=Get-ADUser -Property Name,lastLogonDate -Filter {lastLogonDate -lt $then} -SearchBase $OU | FT Name,lastLogonDate








    IF (($USER.Notes -notlike '*'+$OVERRIDE+'*') -and ($USER.Description -notlike '*'+$OnLeave+'*')) 


        REMOVE-ADOBJECT $USER.Name -whatif 

        WRITE-HOST $USER.Name 'Deleted' 


    ELSEIF ($USER.Notes -like '*'+$OVERRIDE+'*') 


            WRITE-HOST $USER.Name 'Not removed due to Administrative Override' 




            WRITE-HOST $USER.Name 'Not removed - Presently on Leave' 




$Name = "testuser"

$User = Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(sAMAccountName=$Name)"

If ($User -eq $Null) {"User does not exist in AD"}

Else {"User Found in AD"}

Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $OU -Properties Enabled, CanonicalName, Displayname,Givenname, Surname, Department  | select Enabled, 

CanonicalName, Displayname, GivenName, Surname, Department | Export-CSV "E:\Damo\UserDescription.csv"

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: JackNeff 10 years ago
White Belt

G'day mate!  You probably already figured it out by now but thought I'd post in case it helps someone else.  

For logging I like to use the old ">>" to a text file because it's fast and easy.  Can't help you much with backing up user profiles because I don't know where you're storing them in your environment.

#Declare variable constants[string]$Log = "D:\test\AUTODELETEUSERS.txt"[int]$DaysToDisable = -60[int]$DaysToDelete = -90[string]$SearchBaseOU = 'OU=Test,DC=corporate,DC=nzpost,DC=co,DC=nz'[string]$DisabledOU = 'OU=Disabled,OU=Test,DC=corporate,DC=nzpost,DC=co,DC=nz'[string]$OverrideKey = '***OVERRIDE***'[string]$OnLeaveKey = 'On Leave'[int]$CountDisabled = 0[int]$CountDeleted = 0"[SCRIPT START] Script started on $(Get-Date)" >> $Log#DELETE stale accountsGet-ADUser -SearchBase $SearchBaseOU -SearchScope Subtree -Filter * -Properties * |     where { (([DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogon)) -lt (Get-Date).AddDays($DaysToDelete)) -and             ($_.Notes -notmatch $OverrideKey) -and             ($_.Description -notmatch $OnLeaveKey) } | ForEach-Object {        $_ | Remove-ADUser -WhatIf        "  [DELETED] $($UserAccount.Name)" >> $Log        $CountDisabled++    }#DISABLE stale accountsGet-ADUser -SearchBase $SearchBaseOU -SearchScope Subtree -Filter * -Properties * |     where { (([DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogon)) -lt (Get-Date).AddDays($DaysToDisable)) -and             ($_.Notes -notmatch $OverrideKey) -and             ($_.Description -notmatch $OnLeaveKey) } | ForEach-Object {        $_ | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $DisabledOU -WhatIf        $_ | Disable-ADAccount        "  [DISABLED] $($_.Name) for being $(((Get-Date)-([DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogon))) | select -ExpandProperty Days) days stale" >> $Log        $CountDeleted++    }"[SCRIPT END] $($CountDisabled) accounts disabled and $($CountDeleted) accounts deleted." >> $Log
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