Prevent Macs from sleeping / WOL for mac?
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Hello all,
I'm new to IT Ninja, and a novice IT guy.
We're in a big company, and there are a few Macs. We want to install patches to these macs through Kace. Things seem to work just fine, except... when the macs are asleep. I'm not sure why that is, don't have the same problem on Windows.
I think this is probably a familiar issue any many of you need to support Macs in your companies. Is there a way to tell K1000 (or run a BASH script) to wake the mac up for patches? Alternatively, I can have the macs' sleep mode disabled but I rather not do that. What do you suggest?
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7 years ago
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We use the pmset command to schedule a wake up event. This command can be sent via an online shell script to set the machine to wake every day at 3:00am:
pmset repeat wakeorpoweron MTWRFSU 03:00:00
You can also send a Wake-On-Lan packet to Apple hardware, although it only wakes machines that are asleep, not powered down. The advantage of the scheduled event is that it will power on systems or wake them (hence the wakeorpoweron option).
Thanks for this! I tested this successfully on my own Mac Mini. I hope to have the computer wake and then within a few minutes send patches. - ss1980 7 years ago