
Problems with PXE Boot

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after the last upgrade of Kace SDA (K2000) 6.0.425, I have problems with PXE boot. I got the right ip address from my dhcp server but after that it tells me "trying to load pxelinux.cfg …. many times and after "trying to load: pxelinux.cfg/default" it returns me "unable to locate configuration file". 

I cleaned ong the dhcp server the list of old releases (you never say…..) but it still gets me the same error.
the pc I'm using is new and never been connected on SDA boot environment.
Doas anyone had the same problem ?
Thanks in advance for your answers !

Andrea Gennari

3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Great ! It works. Thank you very much. But now, whrn I arrive in the boot environment menu and I choose the one I need (Windwos 10 setup) It tells me "Unable to Mount KBOX shar at xxx.yyy.kkk.jjj\peinst. If I try to browse the boot server the folder peinst is not shared. Is it due to the upgrade ? Or do I need to sher it manually again ? - andrea.gennari@aslmn.it 6 years ago
  • Andrea, what changes did you make for the file name. I have the same problem above. - agahlbeck 6 years ago
    • I actually have it working on our workstations but when using vmware for test images it goes to a black screen after pxe - agahlbeck 6 years ago
      • Hi, I found the resolution on this link


        The new version of SDA (k2000) 6.x is not compatible with pxeboot. you have to modify dhcp policy to choose manually BIOS boot or UEFI Boot.
        I followed the instructions on the pdf file attached and I solved the problem. You have to sign in to the Quest blog. If you don't want to register, write here your address so I can send you the pdf file attached (don't use the address written in my login name, it's not real).
        Have a good day ! - andrea.gennari@aslmn.it 6 years ago
  • We followed the directions for our linux dhcp servers but it's still not working. We're getting the error "Unable to locate configuration file" - ckeenan@smith.edu 6 years ago
    • I had this problem on a Windows dhcp server. Is Your Linux dhcp server the same of your K2000 SDA server ? Can you install a different dhcp server from K2000 ?
      Unfortunetelly I don't have experience with linux dhcp configuration, the only thing I found is


      but I think you've already visited this site. - andrea.gennari@aslmn.it 6 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: Nico_K 6 years ago
Red Belt
As you can find in the release notes (and also see in the error messages) you are trying to boot with PXELinux which was retired with 6.0 (and only as alternate since 4.0) in favour for the much faster (usually 2-4 times), more reliable and more secure iPXE.

Please review this article for detailed informations:

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