ProductID in Add/Remove Programs
I am trying to create the following registry entry in my MSI. Can someone tell me what PROPERTY to use for this? I know i can do a registry hack but I've tried setting the value up under Property manager & it's not working. Any help on this?
Property manager > Name= ProdcutID | Value= 123-456-789 (Not Working)
Following registry hack works but i would like to handle this through Property Table:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{ABC PRODUCT}]
Answers (3)
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You must change the PROPERTY in UPPERCASE
Property PRODUCTID=12345456
in registry
use the value [PRODUCTID]
If you just want to add a reg key that contains the value of a property, then your syntax would look like this:
The brackets surrounding the property indicates to the engine that it should the property value instead of the actual syntax. The property can be Public or Private. You do not have to use a custom action for this. So, if you want to add a registry key which contains the actual ProductID value, all you have to add is this: