
Program MARK 11.1 silent uninstall switches

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We are trying to create a SCCM deployment package for Program MARK 11.1 and have so far been unable to find silent uninstall switches for it.
The software is a Windows-based software application, developed by Gary White

On the software site's forum others have also struggled with silent uninstalling this application:

One suggestion is to use AutoIT which a is less than ideal approach that I am yet to try.
(I already tried an AHK script compiled to an EXE which works in the user context, but not as SYSTEM so unsuitable to use for deployment - not sure if using AutoIT to automate keypresses will fare any better than AHK in the SYSTEM context.)

There is a semi-silent install switch /S that at least allows deployment and no user interaction...

The uninstall registry key
SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\MARK 11.1 November 2024
UninstallString = "C:\Program Files (x86)\MARK\SETUP\setup.exe" /u
adding /S does not stop the uninstall y/n prompt and OK on completion (the uninstall window title is Setup Specialist) - at least it does not cause an error

the switches /? /HELP /help all return errors as do /silent /verysilent /norestart /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /quiet


The SETUP.EXE for installing MARK 11.1 is created using Setup Specialist by TG Byte Software GMBH [(c) 1994-2003], but the tool does not appear to be available on their website (hoping for some documentation/default switches). The only downloads for Setup Specialist 2002 SR-3 that I have found online so far are from third party software sites and lack documentation.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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