Provisioning fails after version 8 upgrade
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I usually will uninstall/reinstall an agent that doesn't connect via provisioning. It has always worked in the past with a few exceptions (machine off, fixable things). Now everytime I try to do this I get "NETWORK/Unable to establish a WinRM connection." Every once in awhile I will get "NETWORK/CreateProcessAsUser," but not as much as the WinRM error. I have tried this on multiple machines, even my test machine sitting next to me. All are on the network with Windows 10 Build 1703. Never had this issue until the 8 upgrade. Seems like 8 killed it. Any help would be appreciated.
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KACE removed the option to uncheck the box "Use WinRM" under provisioning detail page. Thanks. Now it really doesnt work. - lama01 5 years ago
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Posted by:
6 years ago
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In 8.0, K1000 server made provisioning using WinRM as a default method. Hence, if your client systems don't have WinRM enabled by default or the port is blocked, provisioning will fail. To not use WinRM, you may simply uncheck the box "Use WinRM" under provisioning detail page and it will use the old way.
KACE removed the box to uncheck the "Use WinRM" under provisioning detail page - lama01 5 years ago
Posted by:
6 years ago