
Python software - create MST file


    I was wondering how to create an .MST file for a vendor .MSI application. I am trying to customize a version of Python 3.2.3. I know ORCA (or other tools) can be used to create the new transform. Just a little confused once you open the .MSI up in ORCA how do you know what to change to create the .MST?

From a command prompt this is what I am trying to accomplish:

start msiexec /i "\\Server\python-3.2.3.msi" /qn ALLUSERS=1 ADDLOCAL=TclTk

I would rather use GPO to deploy this package than have to create a batch file to deploy an .MSI. Seems a little backwards.



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Answers (2)

Posted by: pjgeutjens 11 years ago
Red Belt

To answer your question

1) like riley said, download Insted, it's really a great (free) tool, kindof Orca+

2) open the msi in insted, go to Transform->New Transform, name it and save it

3) make the changes you want in the msi and save the mst.

Posted by: rileyz 11 years ago
Red Belt

Your asking two things here.

1) Try InstEd! to make your transform, its a lot better then using ORCA and it will make the changes across multiple rows for you, so you dont need too.

In saying this, if you dont know anything about app packaging you will find it very hard to use InstEd. Other tools which provide a GUI view of the tables might be better suited but cost £$£$£$. Could try a copy of Installshield in trail mode, im pretty sure there is no watermark or limitation - you have to faffa bit to get the download though, registering etc.

PS. if your just changing the properties ALLUSERS and ADDLOCAL, i wouldnt worry about a tranform.


2) Deployment wise you should be able to use a GPO to deploy this MSI.
Though you might need to wrap it in a batch or vbs as the GPO dosent handle switches or prams - LAME.


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