
QuickTime 4 'required' for silent installation

I am attempting to create a script to silently install an older application on some new images.

When I manually install the application, QuickTime 4 installer detects the new version, and halts. The original installer will then continue, and the application seems happy enough.
However, when I use the /silent option, it fails due to the QuickTime installer. I don't want to install QT4 (a quick test shows that with QT4 installed, the /silent option works fine).

So, my question is.... is there a registry entry that I could use, to fool the application into thinking QT4 is installed? I don't see anything that stands out. I was thinking of applying a registry hack, silently install the app, then remove the hack (or possibly a file it is looking for)?

Any ideas?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
I would suggest packaging the install properly so that it ignores QT if it's already installed in all modes but I'm guessing you're not an application packager?

How you fool the installer depends entirely on how it's detecting QT. Use ProcMon to determine that. Remember to filter out unwanted processes and views, otherwise the output window wil overwhelm you!
Posted by: bupson2 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
Thanks for the heads up. I'll mess around with ProcMon, to see if that helps.

No, we no longer have a usable version of installshield, so I don't actually repackage. I simply create 'automated installation scripts', to install applications with as little user input as possible (transform files when possible, silent installations occasionally).
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