
Reboot After Patching

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The documentation for the reboot after patching options is not very clear.  What we want to do is give the user four chances to snooze for an hour and after the final chance there would be a forced reboot.  I can't figure out how to do this.  Any suggestions?  I hope it isn't something simple I am making more complicated than needed.  

3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • I tried giving the options to snooze multiple times but it didn't seem to reboot. Right now I am trying force reboot after a 120-minute delay. Maybe that will work. - AdamWolf77 4 years ago
  • @KevinG with some experimentation on a test group we were able to find the settings that give us what we need. Thanks for your help. - AdamWolf77 4 years ago
  • @KevinG with some experimentation on a test group we were able to find the settings that give us what we need. Thanks for your help. - AdamWolf77 4 years ago

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