Reboot MSI-Generator
Hi PACE support,
I am trying to package a software package that requires a reboot.
When i do the reboot and MSI-Gen start up again i perform my final changes and press on "create" second snapshot. It popups with the question if i want to continue or create a new snapshot. Then i press continue. When i do that the snapshot isn't complete with all the changes files and folder.
Is it ok if i use the restart button that the software provides? Or should i reboot manualy?
Greetings Roy
Cool, Pace support on ITNinja. Good question then as the documentation doesn't mention any special actions on reboot between snapshots. - EVEEN 11 years ago
Answers (1)
Hello showitself! Thank you for your question!
If a "second" system snapshot was done before, MSI Generator asks whether you want to re-use that one or owerwrite it (create a new one now). So in order to include the changes you made to the system this time, you need to select "Overwrite" rather than "Continue".
Hope this helps!
Best Regards,
PACE Support Team