
Relationship between LIMITUI and ARPNOMODIFY

Hi all,

my question goes out to everyone.

What is the relationship between LIMITUI and ARPNOMODIFY. MSDN says

Installation packages containing the LIMITUI property must also contain the ARPNOMODIFY property. This is required for a user to obtain the correct behavior from the Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel utility when attempting to configure a product.

Can somebody please put some more light on this topic

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See the below answers
Posted by: piyushnasa 11 years ago
Red Belt

Since LIMITUI property will reduce the installation to basic UI for the application, there will be no dialog boxes which would be available if a user wants to modify the application. Hence MSDN has recommended to disable Modify button my setting ARPNOMODIFY property to 1.

Hope it helps you.



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Posted by: MadForMsi 11 years ago
Blue Belt

Setting this property limits the user interface level at basic. This is useful if you do not create a custom user interface to interact with the installer's built-in UI.

Setting this property disables Add/Remove Programs and Programs Wizard functionality that would, by default, allow the product to be modified – It means change button disables.

If we do not set ARPNOMODIFY property then Change button will be populated and when user will click on it, it will directly go in to reinstall-mode, if LIMITUI is set.

Hence Microsoft says, If you set LIMITUI with “change button enabled – APRNOMODIFY deletedâ€Â then you will not see correct behavior, means you will not see maintenance wizard etc. ....

Hence to see correct behavior set ARPNOMODIFY=1, so that you will not get change button.

so I think as per Microsoft terminology, seeing correct behaviour means disable change button so there will be no question of seeing any wrong dialoge boxes.

Setting this property limits the user interface level at basic. This is useful if you do not create a custom user interface to interact with the installer's built-in UI.

Setting this property disables Add/Remove Programs and Programs Wizard functionality that would, by default, allow the product to be modified – It means change button disables.

If we do not set ARPNOMODIFY property then Change button will be populated and when user will click on it, it will directly go in to reinstall-mode, if LIMITUI is set.

Hence Microsoft says, If you set LIMITUI with “change button enabled – APRNOMODIFY deletedâ€Â then you will not see correct behavior, means you will not see maintenance wizard etc. ....

Hence to see correct behavior set ARPNOMODIFY=1, so that you will not get change button.

so I think as per Microsoft terminology, seeing correct behaviour means disable change button so there will be no question of seeing any wrong dialoge boxes. - See more at: http://www.itninja.com/question/relationship-between-limitui-and-arpnomodify#sthash.AEgFnPpe.dpuf
Posted by: jagadeish 11 years ago
Red Belt

If you set the LIMITUI property in an installation, you should also set the ARPNOMODIFY property.

The LIMITUI property sets the user interface level to basic. An installation run with a basic UI typically displays only progress messages to end users. It does not allow end users to select features or provide other feedback.

The ARPNOMODIFY property prevents end users from modifying the product through Add or Remove Programs.

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