
Remove email address from CC list if detected

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Recently one of our tickets was stuck in a comment loop since the customer added a specific email address to the CC list.  Does anyone know of a way to set up a rule to:

  1. find if CC list contains x@y.com
  2. remove ONLY x@y.com from the CC list


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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: Channeler 5 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer

To prevent loops from happening, you could head over to Service Desk › Configuration › Service Desk Email Preferences.

And add this email to the exclusions list, you can even block every email with the word "AutoReply" in the subject or something like that.

Source: KACE SMA 10.0.290 Admin Guide.

Posted by: chucksteel 5 years ago
Red Belt

In addition to the method Channeler gave, you can address this with a CTR. Here are some "back of the envelope" queries that should work.

To match tickets with the email address in the CC_LIST:


To update:

UPDATE HD_TICKET set CC_LIST = replace(CC_LIST, '%x@y.com%', '') where ID = <TICKET_IDS>

Set the rule to run on ticket save.

Note, I didn't test either of these but I'm reasonably confident they will work.

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