
Remove / Purge Kace LDAP Users using a ticket rule

There is an older post that talked about using a ticket rule to remove unneeded LDAP imported user accounts.  We want to do this, but when we try the select query it throws an error.  This was posted back in 2014 and I'm wondering if something changed with these rules since then.  Any ideas?


I know you can archive tickets as well as users, but I don't see how that solves the problem of getting the inactive users out of the system.

Thank you.

4 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • What exact version of the KACE SMA are you running? If it's any version from 6.x to 8.0 this task would not be possible with a Ticket Rule as there is Account Management DB tables that makes this a complex task. - KevinG 6 years ago
  • We are running version 7.2. We have 8.1 set up in a test environment. I know 9.0 is out. - wimberlye 6 years ago
  • What criteria were you using to choose which users to purge. If you are actively Archiving users that could be an option. - JoeyK 6 years ago
  • I contacted support. They are working with me in the back end database to remove users that have no ticket tied to them or no asset tied to them. - wimberlye 6 years ago

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