
Removing a shortcut from every user profile on a machine


I have an issue where after removal of an app, a shortcut is left in the ProgramMenuFolder for each user profile that exists on the machine (except for the AllUsers profile). This means deleting the icon manually from each specific profile on the workstation which is a real pain. Is there any way of automating this via a batch file?


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Answers (1)

Posted by: WiseUser 19 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
If this was an MSI installation, you shouldn't have this problem. How did this come about?

There are many ways of doing what you require, but you asked for "batch", and you asked for "efficient" - how's this?

Del C:\Docume~1\MyLink.lnk /s /q /f

Obviously, this has to be run with admin privileges.
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