
reply to email above the line

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HI folks

not sure how many of you have turned this functionality on. I would be interested in your experiences

- Turning on the ability for a user to reply to email by putting in their comments above the line and sending - am I right in assuming this is a global setting - all or nothing.

- how does the response know which ticket/Q to update - is this a function of the email address for that Q (e.g. the number is unique to the Q - in this case 13) org1.stjohnservicedesk13@chmansvr01.......

- What are the POP3 settings that need to be set up - do I need a user set up for each specific email address (i.e. one for each Q)

- The one thing we found when we did try and turn it on that if the target person was out of the office and had a auto response set up that would come back into the ticket.

Look forward to your input

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Answers (1)

Posted by: chucksteel 5 years ago
Red Belt

The response is applied to the ticket based on the subject of the email message. It should contain [TICK:12234], where 12234 is the ID of the ticket in question. If the subject does not contain that string, then a new ticket is created (which is generally what we see with out of office notifications).

  • Aha. thanks for that. So there is no way to ignore or discard out of office notifications (i.e. I don't want them to create a ticket every time) - kiwiblue 5 years ago
    • Other than trying to filter them before they reach the appliance, I don't think there is. - chucksteel 5 years ago

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