rez_change.exe with file switch not working
We're using the post install task to set the screen resolution as recorded in the get_screen_rez.exe with the /file switch in order to apply the screen resolution but it's failing with the following error:
Unable to change screen resolution
Error function call change display settingsex 1
Error code
-1 disp_change_failed
Requested settings:
Width 1024
Height 768
Bitspp 32
Refresh Rate 60
I've made sure that the monitor can handle these settings but the task just doesnt seem to set the resolution. I also tried it without the /file switch and it works when you choose the resolution for a list given.
Anyone managed to get the /file switch working?
We're using Windows 7 SP1 x64.
Answers (1)
if you are using the /file switch you need to use the other rez tasks to create the file, the /file will pick up os drive\KACE\bin\resolution.txt
Hi SMal.tmcc
This is what I'm doing and I can see the .rez file that is created on petemp share but the /file switch doesn't work. I get the error as detailed in my original post. - tomlockbart 12 years ago -
is this a scripted install or a deployed image? - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago
it could be due to the fact the correct video driver in not yet installed in your scripted install till reboot after post tasks. - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago