RSA client install via Group Policy with Scripted Options
Maybe my first time posting.
I'd like to create a group policy that will install the RSA client on new W2K8 R2 servers as they're joined to the network. Before the client can be installed I need to have a new local group created and have the local administrator account placed into that group. I'm hoping to create a script which allow all of this to be done via group policy.
1. To create the group I initially thought I'd use a batch file to create the group:
net localgroup "group name" /add
2. From here I'd have the account added to the new group:
net localgroup "group name" "user name" /add
3. I need to launch the RSA client installation via group policy using its .msi file.
I've run across some vBscript options:
4. This script creates the group and adds the user to the group.
strComputer = "atl-ws-01"
Set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputer & "/group name")
Set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputer & "/user name")
This is looking to be two separate processes unless I choose to create a batch file and run it manually with the .msi files. So I'm wondering if anyone would have any ideas on how best to perform these steps using a group policy which I'm thinking confines me to a vbscript startup script.
Any responses appreciated.
Answers (3)
Use a VBScript to trigger the installation from SYSVOL