
Rule works except if the Assigned Technician is a group not an individual

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This rule works with the exception of when the assigned technician is a group Example: Audio Visual

How can I make this rule identify the Audio Visual group as being an owner and not flip to Client Responded Back when they put a comment in the ticket?

What I have tried doesn't seem to work. Trying to figure out where the updater id is pulling from. 

select distinct HD_TICKET.ID, 

                       HD_TICKET.OWNER_ID as OWNER_ID, 

                       HD_TICKET.ID as TICKNUM, 


                       HD_STATUS.NAME AS STATUS_NAME,

                       HD_STATUS.STATE as STATE,

                       OWNER.USER_NAME as OWNER_NAME,

                       OWNER.FULL_NAME as OWNER_FULLNAME,

                       OWNER.EMAIL as OWNER_EMAIL,

                       UPDATER.USER_NAME as UPDATERNAME,

                       UPDATER.EMAIL as UPDATEREMAIL

                  from (HD_TICKET, HD_STATUS)

             left join HD_TICKET_CHANGE on HD_TICKET_CHANGE.ID = <CHANGE_ID>


             left join USER OWNER on OWNER.ID = HD_TICKET.OWNER_ID


                 where HD_STATUS.ID = HD_TICKET.HD_STATUS_ID




                   and HD_STATUS.ID in (16,9) 

                   and (UPDATER.ID <> OWNER.ID or OWNER.ID is NULL) 

                   and UPDATER.ID > 0

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Hobbsy 3 years ago
Red Belt

I think you will have to create a dummy user “Audio Visual” to assign the ticket to. I may have picked up the wrong end of the stick, apologies if I have, but you have to have a ticket owner in KACE, you are not able to assign to a group. The way we recommend customers to use groups if they insist on assigning tickets to a group is to create dummy users for the group.

  • User Detail
    Login: (required)
    AU AV Group
    Name: (required)
    AU Audio Visual Group
    Primary Email: (required)

    I have this user assigned to the correct AV role. The ticket is assigned to AU AV Group but when the technician makes a comment in the ticket it sees the comment being made by non owner and flips the status to Client Responded Back. Is there a way around this and I think maybe I am not totally understanding what you are saying about creating dummy users for the group. Thanks - scarpent 3 years ago
  • User Detail
    Login: (required)
    AU AV Group
    Name: (required)
    AU Audio Visual Group
    Primary Email: (required)

    I have this user assigned to the correct AV role. The ticket is assigned to AU AV Group but when the technician makes a comment in the ticket it sees the comment being made by non owner and flips the status to Client Responded Back. Is there a way around this and I think maybe I am not totally understanding what you are saying about creating dummy users for the group. Thanks - scarpent 3 years ago
  • Either I am doing something totally wrong but I created dummy user and it made the problem worse - scarpent 3 years ago

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